Progene Powder
Pre & Probiotic Blend with Enzymes, Live Yeast Culture, Beta Glucan and Electrolytes
Per gram contains Saccharomyces boulordi - 150 million cfu, Lactobacilus Acidophilus, Lactobacilus Coagulans, Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Licheniformis - 800 millions cfu, Live yeast Culture - 20 mg, FOS and Beta Glucan - 35 mg, Cocktail Enzymes (Protease, Cellulase, Amylase, Lipase, Papain) - 80 mg, Along with Electrolytes
- Gut Health
- Immunity boostup
- Helps in preventing urinary tract infection
- Reduces allergic reactions
- Skin coat appearance
- Improved breath
- Reduction in gas
- Regulate bowel function
- Controlling inflammation
- 2-3 g twice daily per 10kg body weight
- In period of intestinal discomfort double the dose for the first 5days
- 100 gm pack with 4 gm scoop